What does Recovery after an Ovarian Cyst Removal look like?

I’m Dr. Prabakar, a board certified OB/GYN and fellowship trained, minimally invasive surgeon.

Removing ovarian cysts is a pretty common surgery that I perform, and this may be due to many different reasons.

Ovarian cysts may become large, they may become painful, they could be on the verge of bursting, or they could look a little abnormal, and it's best to remove it. So what does life after removing the ovarian cyst look like in terms of recovery?

Now, most of these surgeries are performed in a minimally invasive fashion, which means I do these laparoscopically or robotically. This involves three to four small incisions on your abdomen. They're about 5 mm, so really tiny.

So after the procedure, you can go home the same day, and you can start walking around the very next day and moving around the house. You do not need to be confined to your bed or be nervous about starting to do your daily activities. Depending on how you feel, you can start moving around more and more. But typically, I say it's a two week recovery to return to work.

Now, some people actually have jobs where they are physical, they're lifting heavy things and stuff like that. So for that, I would give it a two week recovery. But if you're somebody who's working from home and all you need is a laptop and you’re sitting at your desk, you may be fine in just a few days.

Now, if you need open surgery, it's actually a bigger incision in your abdomen, like a C section incision.

In that case, your recovery will be more like six to eight weeks, because it takes several days for those layers to all heal, for you to be able to walk around independently and move around like you used to. So it really depends on how your doctor does the surgery.

But again, I would say the majority of ovarian cyst removals are laparoscopic or robotic. So I'd be looking at around the two week mark. Hope that helps.

If you are in the Bay Area and you've been diagnosed with ovarian cysts and you are looking for someone to remove it, come and see me in Lafayette. My number is 925-744-7473.

If you are in California and you are looking for an expert gynecologist, come and see me!

I'm in Lafayette, CA and my number is 925-74-7473 , and I'll be happy to see you for a consultation.

You can set up a coaching session with me, email: thefibroiddoc@gmail.com , and we can set up a time and go over all your questions.

For more educational videos like this, visit TheFibroidDoc’s YouTube channel.

Cheruba Prabakar

I am Dr. Cheruba Prabakar, a board certified OBGYN and fellowship trained minimally invasive surgeon.


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