Got Fibroids? I got you.

You are at the right place.

Fibroids are a HUGE problem with nearly 80% of women being diagnosed with one by the time they are 50 years of age. Over the past decade, I have developed a special interest in treating women with fibroids. So much so, that I have created an entire website dedicated to Fibroid care: The Fibroid Doc.

On The Fibroid Doc site, you can find all the information you need about how fibroids affect pain, bleeding, and fertility. You will also learn about the various treatment options available. Go there now! 

Get the best treatment for your fibroids.

  • Looking for a fibroid specialist in CA?

    If you are in California, and are looking for a fibroid specialist, click below to make an appointment in person or via telemedicine.

  • Not in CA? Try fibroid coaching.

    If you are not in California but would still like help with your fibroids, I invite you to learn more about my fibroid coaching program.

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