My Top 5 Health Goals For 2023

My Top 5 Health Goals For 2023

The New Year is often a time for resolutions. Did you know that in the U.S, the top ten resolutions are the following? Exercise more, lose weight, get organized, learn a new skill, live life to the fullest, save more money, quit smoking, spend more time with family & friends, travel more, and read more. Seem familiar? Wait...don't we seem to be writing the same things year after year?

Our body is our engine, and without it working properly we can't accomplish everything we set out to do. When it comes to taking care of your health, here are the top 5 things that I am paying attention to this year and I offer the same to you!

  1. Be mindful of your vitamin D: Most of the North American population is deficient in this important vitamin (42% of us!!). It is implicated in many health conditions including those that affect the bone, uterus, and brain (all important to us women!). More are more studies are showing the importance of vitamin D in maintaining OVERALL health (not just our bones), so let’s make sure to keep it up! Tip 1: The lab value that is normal for vitamin D is 30, but you really want those levels above 50. Tip 2: Even with insurance, this is an expensive test. It can cost about $250. If you are getting vitamin D levels checked, call your lab to get an estimate or ask your office for a cash price.

  2. Pay attention to your pelvic floor: So many of us think that leaking urine is normal as we age. It is not. Our pelvic floors weaken with time, child birth, chronic cough, and urinary leakage is a VERY common issue! Women as young as 32 have come to me with these symptoms. Get help from a pelvic floor therapist now. Your gyn can give you a referral. Even if you don’t have any symptoms now, I do recommend a session with a pelvic floor therapist to have an exam and learn what exercises you should be doing to help your bladder and pelvic floor. It is not too early, and not too late!

  3. Protect your heart: Did you know that the #1 cause of death in women is heart disease? It is not breast cancer, which we often worry about. How do you protect your heart? Keep you HgA1c < 5.7% (marker of Diabetes), your cholesterol low, and maintain a normal weight. Easier said than done, but get a personal trainer or see a nutritionist if you have to to jumpstart your journey to achieving those goals.

  4. Get enough sleep: OK Ok, we’ve all heard this, but did you know that there is so much restorative work that goes on in your body and brain during sleep? Most of us need 7-9 hours of sleep a night, so make this a priority. I have tweaked my schedule to get 8 hours of sleep a night and it has made all the difference! Follow my friend @restfulsleepMD on Instagram for all things sleep!

  5. Weights over cardio: This is not a popular one, but hear me out. Cardio (running, biking, swimming, etc) can help shed extra weight, improve our mood, give us all those good endorphins, but it is not enough. Lifting heavy weights 3-4 times/week will help strengthen your bones, improve balance, soak up extra sugar from your blood stream, and burn calories when you sleep! Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi are important for balance, toning, and flexibility. Ideally a combination of a variety of different exercises is best, but weights are king (or queen I should say). Follow @taraallenhealth on instagram for more on this.

Cheruba Prabakar

I am Dr. Cheruba Prabakar, a board certified OBGYN and fellowship trained minimally invasive surgeon.

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