Understanding Prolapsing Fibroids: What You Need to Know

Have you heard of a prolapsing fibroid?

I recently encountered one during a hysterectomy for a patient with fibroids. In the days leading up to the surgery, her bleeding had significantly increased. During the operation, I discovered that a 6 cm fibroid, initially inside her uterine cavity, had started to protrude through the cervix and into the vagina. Half of it was still embedded in the cervix and the lower uterine segment, while the other half was in the vagina, causing severe bleeding.

Prolapsing fibroids occur when fibroids located within the uterine cavity begin to descend through the cervix. This condition can lead to sudden and heavy bleeding. If you have fibroids and experience a significant increase in bleeding, it’s crucial to consult a gynecologist promptly.

A thorough examination can determine if a prolapsing fibroid is the cause of your symptoms. These fibroids are known to cause substantial bleeding, which can lead to severe anemia if not addressed quickly.

Early intervention is key. If you suspect you have a prolapsing fibroid, seek medical attention immediately to manage the bleeding and prevent further complications. Regular check-ups and monitoring of fibroids are essential to maintaining your health and well-being.

If you are in California and you are looking for an expert gynecologist, come and see me!

I'm in Lafayette, CA and the contact number is 925-74-7473 , and I'll be happy to see you for a consultation.

You can set up a coaching session with me, email: thefibroiddoc@gmail.com , and we can set up a time and go over all your questions.

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Cheruba Prabakar

I am Dr. Cheruba Prabakar, a board certified OBGYN and fellowship trained minimally invasive surgeon.


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